Hazardous waste collections

Let us start from the beginning, from the definition of hazardous waste

Due to their type, composition or quantity, hazardous waste may exhibit harmful properties and, incorrectly handled, may pose a threat to people and animals, or the environment. They may be also flammable and explosive. Therefore, such waste must be handled and controlled in a specific way. The types of hazardous waste are listed in an appendix to Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 27 September 2001 on the waste catalog (Journal of Laws No. 112, item 1206).

Dynamic industrial development, increase in the trading of many products and excessive consumption caused an influx of objects that people dispose of quickly. It is therefore very important to have the knowledge of proper handling of hazardous waste, i.e. waste RTV and household equipment, used batteries, chemicals or medicines. This type of waste must be handled by licensed companies only.

In Dąbrowa Górnicza, there are four points which are licensed to handle hazardous waste - so-called Eco Points where the residents of our municipality can bring their hazardous waste free of charge, in any amount and type that would indicate that it was produced in a single household, e.g. metal, used tires, medicines. Furthermore, the Eco Point in 144b Główna St. accepts oversize waste, as well as up to one ton of construction and demolition waste a year for each registered address of residence.

Currently, waste collection points accept: solvents, acids, alkali, photochemicals, plant protection products of toxicity class I and II, fluorescent tubes and other waste containing mercury, equipment containing freons, oils and greases, paints, fats, printer inks, adhesives and resins containing dangerous substances, used tires, medicines, detergents containing dangerous substances, cytotoxic and cytostatic medicines, batteries, metal, used electric and electronic equipment containing dangerous components, wood containing dangerous substances, hazardous substance packaging,

Furthermore, used equipment can be left, free of charge, at the store or at the wholesaler when buying new equipment of the same time, thus making an exchange, e.g. a refrigerator for a refrigerator. Correct handling of RTV and household equipment facilitates its recycling and recovery. Iron, copper, lead and plastics can all be recycled. Let us remember that used devices must not be disposed of with other waste in a single container. Used RTV and household equipment contains dangerous substances, such as mercury, cadmium or freon.

Now let us discuss batteries. Similarly to used RTV and household appliances, batteries must be segregated and placed in dedicated containers. Batteries can be used in many objects in daily use, such as remote controls, toys, flashlights, telephones. This is why we should always remember to take out the batteries before disposing of them.

What to do with expired medicines? Many of us ask ourselves what to do with this dangerous waste.

38 pharmacies in Dąbrowa Górnicza have dedicated containers for residents to dispose of expired or unused medicines. Such bins are placed in a generally accessible place inside the pharmacy. They are intended for collecting tablets, pills, ampules in packaging and in bulk, syrups, droplets, solutions in closed packaging, and ointments. They are not intended for collecting thermometers, aerosols, used needles and syringes. Such bins are marked with special stickers with the logo of the organizer and the waste collection contractor. Disposing of waste medicines in a pharmacy guarantees that they will be neutralized in a way that is safe for the environment.

  • Apteka Gemini, ul. Wybickiego 8
  • Mandragora, ul. Wybickiego 7a
  • Apteka Blisko Ciebie, ul. Korczaka 1-3
  • Apteka Blisko Ciebie, ul. Sobieskiego 23
  • Betula, os. Robotnicze 5/2
  • Centrum Tanich Leków, ul. Majakowskiego 30
  • Apteka PANACEUM, ul. Kościuszki 5
  • Apteka ZDROWIT, ul. Ludowa 19a
  • Apteka "Za Rogiem", ul. Kasprzaka 26
  • Apteka Prywatna, ul. Wyszyńskiego 1
  • Apteka Słoneczna, ul. Szpitalna 14
  • Apteka Słoneczna, Al. Piłsudskiego 92
  • Apteka Dbam O Zdrowie, ul. Kościuszki 19
  • Isofarm  Sp. z o.o., ul. Ludowa 7
  • Euro-Apteka, ul. Sobieskiego 6 (CH Pogoria)
  • Apteka "Hibiscus", ul. Strzemieszycka 366
  • Apteka 4 Pory Roku, ul. Adamieckiego 11a
  • Apteka w Przychodni, ul. Adamieckiego 13/16
  • Apteka "DOSA", ul. Rapackiego 10a
  • Apteka Ziko, ul. Królowej Jadwigi 25a
  • Apteka Rodzinna, ul. Kasprzaka 44a
  • Apteka Dbam O Zdrowie, ul. Sienkiewicza 18
  • Apteka ZIKO, ul. Legionów Polskich 38c
  • Apteka NIEZAPOMINAJKA, ul. Sobieskiego 3
  • Apteka ZIKO, ul. 3 Maja 3
  • Apteka Kwiatowa, ul. Topolowa 26/lok 4-5
  • Centrum Tanich Leków, ul. Tysiąclecia 5
  • Apteka Marpharm II, ul. 11 Listopada 24
  • Apteka Galen, ul. 11 Listopada 32
  • Apteka Blisko Ciebie, ul. Krasickiego 1
  • Apteka, ul. Kasprzaka 14
  • Apteka Dbam O Zdrowie, ul. Tysiąclecia 4A
  • Apteka Główna z Sercem, Al. Piłsudskiego 92
  • Apteka Rodzinna, Al. Piłsudskiego 34F/632A
  • Dr. Max, ul. Morcinka 2
  • Apteka Farmacja 2, Al. Zwycięstwa 91
  • Apteka Nowa, ul. Kozubka 3
  • Apteka Arnika, ul. Warszawska 81
Handling chemicals (paints, solvents, waste oils, etc.)?

Remember to never pour waste oils into surface waters, onto the ground, and into the sewage system. They must not be used as fuel oil either. Any unused amount of paint, waste oil, solvents, etc. can be left at any of the Eco Points. Motor oil can be left at the garage if it is changed to new one.

Never pour the following substances into the sewage system:
  • caustic and toxic substances, particularly strong acids and bases, formalin, sulfides, ammonia solutions, hydrogen cyanide
  • flammable and explosive substances, e.g. gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil
  • liquid waste non-miscible with water, varnishes, cement mixtures

Do not burn paints, solvents, waste oils in household furnaces, because they may be sources of emission of harmful substances to the atmosphere. Do not drain chemicals into the sewage system, as this destroys the wastewater system and hinders wastewater treatment. Do not pour chemicals onto the ground. The harmful substances contained in them may end up in the food chain, posing a threat to plants and human and animal health.

What to do with old tires? How to handle them?

When buying new tires, you can leave the old set with the vulcanizer or the garage. In our municipality, as of 1 July 2013, each resident can leave used tires in “Eco Points”. Used tires must not be burnt in household furnaces and in outdoor fires. Burning tires, we cause emissions of very harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Locations and contact details of individual eco points
  • GCZO przy Al.J.Piłsudskiego 28A, Tel. 728-320-773 open: pon-pt 6:00-22:00, regulations GCZO
  • GCZO przy ul.Szłasowizna 7, Tel. 728-320-775 open: pon-pt 10:00-18:00, regulations GCZO
  • GCZO przy Al. Zwycięstwa 27B, Tel. 728-320-774 open: pon-pt 10:00-18:00, regulations GCZO
  • GPZON przy ul. Głównej 144B, Tel. 728-320-772 open: pon-pt 6:00-22:00, regulations GPZON

Dear Residents!

The GCZO and PPZON facilities are covered with 24-hour CCTV surveillance.

The monitoring input is recorded to ensure the safety of people and property.

Your personal data is controlled by the DIRECTOR OF THE MUNICIPAL WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, with its registered office at AL. J. PIŁSUDSKIEGO 34 C; TAX ID 629-246-72-96

Data from monitoring is recorded to ensure the safety of people in the facility, the safety of employees and the protection of property construed as legally justified legal interest pursued by the Controller (GDPR, article 6, sec. 1(f))

Any video recordings are processed by the Controller only for the purposes for which they have been collected and stored for a period not longer than 3 months from the date of recording, unless it may serve as evidence in an ongoing case.

The Controller hereby advises that, according to the law, any person whose personal data is processed has the right to review their data, correct it, delete it, restrict its processing, oppose its processing, transfer this data and object to such processing.

Employees authorized by MZGO will be the recipients of such data. No decisions will be automatically made using this data.